"First you make your beliefs,
then your beliefs make you."
-Marisa Peer, Founder of Rapid Transformational Therapy
1. Reflect
Understand Your Story
Here's the thing, we create our belief system, which runs our thought space, before even hitting double digits. I don't know about you, but my world was pretty limited.
The good new is, you're an adult now, so you can believe whatever you want to believe. You just have to be brave enough to look
at the original script, yea know?
(I write in a journal.)
2. Create
Decide Who You Want To Be
By this I mean, how do you want to feel when you wake up in the morning?
Who do you want to spend your time
with and what do you want to be doing?
Most of us never take the time to ask ourselves these questions. Yet it's up to each of us, as individuals, to choose
how we show up in the world.
(I find images intentionally online.)
Tell Yourself New Things
3. Install
Frankly, most of us were modelled a limited vocabulary of positive language and
shown the example of avoidance,
judgement and limitation. The dialogue in your mind is adjustable, and by simply filling it with new words, looking for solutions rather than problems,
you can literally re-code your inner self-talk.
I've just made mine super supportive.
(I listen to positive music - often.)